Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Homestead Happenings!

We were able to pick a small bowl of strawberries a few days ago, but today we got a large bowl full. I think we're having strawberry shortcake in place of birthday cake for my birthday tomorrow! We also have as much lettuce as even a family our size can go through. I've made two meals out of our homegrown spinach so far. Most everything else went in late since this has been the wettest Spring on record and my gardens were too wet to till until last month. Some of the late plantings are starting to come up, but it will be a while before they're ready to harvest.
Bush Beans
Squash, I think Butternut, but I can't remember for sure.
The chickens are already demolishing my currents. They got all of them last year before they ripened all the way. We have a whole bunch this year, so I was hoping they'd share, but it's not looking good so far.
Some sort of Brassica, but between kids, dogs, and chickens nothing managed to stay labeled.
Apples We've never gotten more than 5 or 6 apples off this tree before, but this year it's loaded.
Asian Pears
Another apple tree
More apples, we planted several varieties.
I wasn't sure if we'd get any plums this year. Our trees contracted some sort of fungus and had to be very heavily pruned last year, but it looks like we might get a few!

We were having some problems with our blueberries, so we tried a different mulch and it seems to be working! These blueberries are an old heirloom variety and they stay very small, but very flavorful.

We have a large raspberry patch since my kids love raspberry jam best of all. I like current jelly, but the chickens haven't let me have any the last couple of years.
The cherries aren't quite ready. I'm watching them closely so I can get to them before the birds do. Or before Brenna does. She was trying so hard to reach them.

I'm trying really hard not to count my peaches before they ripen, but it's getting difficult. Homegrown peaches are sooo good!
The hazelnut trees have been horribly attacked by tent caterpillars this year and I'm not sure how much of a harvest we'll manage to get, but the walnut tree is doing quite well.

I can't wait until a few more things are ready to harvest. I love having our own private produce department just outside.

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