Monday, January 6, 2014

Ketogenic Cheese Sandwich

Owen's staple lunch right now is cheese sandwich. Bread is a pretty tough thing to make on the Ketogenic Diet since carbs are so restricted. I tried several recipes using things like flax seed meal, and coconut flour and came up with a few acceptable breads. The problem was that adding anything other than fat (butter, mayonnaise) to the bread made the ratio unacceptable. Owen was very specific about his cheese sandwich. A cheese sandwich according to Owen must consist of bread on the bottom, cheese in the middle, and bread on top. A piece of bread with a tiny bit of cheese melted on top did NOT qualify as a sandwich. Ketocuisine to the rescue. Ketocuisine is a powdered fat baking mix designed especially for the Ketogenic diet. Owen was also quite insistent that his bread be bread shaped. I spent months trying to pour out the bread dough and shape it into a rectangle I could cut in half to make bread until my In-laws gave us this wonderful rectangle silicone mold. Now, I just make the recipe a little thinner and pour it into the mold.

Disclaimer: Do not use this recipe as is unless your calorie and ratio requirements are exactly the same as Owen's. Click HERE to see how I rework recipes to suit Owen.

Keto Cheese Sandwich
3.06:1 ratio, 265 calories

8g  Egg (raw, mixed well) 
17g  Cheese, Tillamook Cheddar 
6g  Mayonnaise, Hellman's/Best Foods
20g Ketocuisine 5:1 ratio baking mix

I also add a pinch of Morton's lite salt as a potassium supplement, a pinch of baking soda to combat acidosis, and a crushed K Phos neutral tablet (all prescribed by our keto team)

First I weigh out the egg since it is the most difficult to get to the nearest gram, then weigh out and add the other ingredients except for the cheese. Mix well adding water to get to the right consistency(doughy if you are spreading it or just pourable if using molds).  Sorry, but I've never measured out the water. It's so nice to have something that doesn't have to be weighed that I've never done it. Then spread out the dough into two pieces or pour into molds (the molds I use make 4 pieces of bread) and bake at 350F for about 15 min. Watch it closely since fatty keto foods tend to cook quickly ( I ruined 2 batches of spinach bites this weekend, not watching them closely enough). Once they have cooled enough to handle put the cheese between two pieces of bread and serve or wrap up and store in the fridge for another day.

Note to those not on the Ketogenic diet, It is very important to use only the brands listed in the recipe. If I use a different mayonnaise, I have to redo the whole recipe. I also did not receive any compensation from Solace Nutrition for naming their product although if they wanted to send me some I'd gladly take it. It is just a product we use that makes our lives much easier!

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