Friday, August 23, 2013


The girls playing with the microwave box
  My Dad had his fourth surgery in less than seven months today. It took a little longer than expected and he was having some blood pressure issues, so he's spending the night in ICU. The surgeon felt that the operation went well and Dad should finally have some relief from the pain that's been plaguing him for the last year. I sure hope so as between him and Owen I'm getting awfully sick of hospitals! Oh yeah, and I hate to see Dad in pain too.

 We haven't really had any new news on the house issue except that we talked to our bank about the status of our loan if we no longer have access to our property and they are putting their lawyers on the case too. We are looking at a few houses tomorrow in case we do end up needing to move quickly.

 Owen's ketones are back up with the 3:1 ratio, so maybe we will be able to stick with this for a while. We still haven't gotten any of his test results back.

 I finished a skirt and top for Morgan and have a dress that just needs buttonholes and buttons. I just haven't gotten pictures yet.

 We're STILL waiting to find out what the insurance company is willing to do about Rod's work van. Thankfully Mom is letting us borrow her truck until we have a chance to do something else, so I'm not completely without a vehicle. Devon and I can get all the kids somewhere using Mom's truck and our little car if we need to.

 Devon is all set for school except for getting her books which we can't do as the teachers haven't posted the book lists yet. All the paperwork is finished though. With homeschooling, the only paperwork I have to fill out is a one page Declaration of Intent to Homeschool at the beginning of each school year. One page for all of the children, not even one page each; so all the paperwork involved with enrolling in running start through the high school and registering at the technical school has been a bit overwhelming. I thought scouts had a lot of paperwork!

 For the next few weeks it looks like we'll be doing a lot of waiting. Too bad I'm not better at it!

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