Thursday, May 29, 2014

More Sewing!

In addition to using cloth diapers, we also use cloth wipes. When I was pregnant with Devon, I scored on a whole bunch of baby washcloths that were 75% off and then 50% off of the lowest marked price. Then I got a 10% employee friends and family discount. It made them about 10 cents apiece. By the time they'd been through the first three kids, they were pretty worn out. So, when Cameron potty trained, I threw them all out. We weren't planning on having anymore kids at that point.
When I was pregnant with Duncan, I took up diaper sewing. I really wanted some of the cute fitted and all in one diapers, but the price was more than I could deal with spending for something that was just going to get pooped on. Around this time diaper fabric became more readily available, so I started making my own. I had a lot of scraps, so I started using them to make wipes. I've added a few more here and there with each additional kid, but recently ours were getting pretty ratty looking again.
I finally got around to going through my flannel scraps and got some more made up this week. My favorite wipes are one layer of flannel and one layer of sherpa or cotton/hemp fleece (not polyester polar fleece, more like sweatshirt fabric). The flannel is all scraps from other sewing projects or occasionally a cute remnant I can't resist. Now I can throw out all the icky old ones!

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